Wild Belonging sex, compassion, and the cosmos Ryan Couples Therapy Tacoma WA

Wild Belonging: sex, compassion, and the cosmos


Wild Belonging. The place welling up from deep within our soul when we no longer accept the falsehoods and myths we have been told about our value, our worth, our sexual beauty and power. Wild Belonging is where we find ourselves when we integrate our sexuality, our practice of compassion and the cosmos into a unified force of potency.

Sexuality is the connecting portal to eros, the source of life. Compassion is the roadmap in all of our responses to self and others. The cosmos hold the wisdom and truth of being, of loving, of becoming. Unified, these three components of life bring us to the essence of our existence… we are meant to wildly belong to ourselves, to mother earth, to the moon and the stars and unconditionally to our beloved.

Wild Belonging. When we refute the lies we have been told about what will bring us a sense of worthiness, or contentment, or happiness.

Wild Belonging is born within our soul when we realize we will no longer silently accept these lies; when we realize that we are aching for true connection and a life that is rooted in the things that truly matter.

Wild Belonging, the knowing, in the marrow of our bones, that we have finally come home to the place that roots us to our truth; that we have come home to our most divine self; that we no longer are isolated, excluded, shamed, alone. That we have a place, a place that, in its wildness, connects us to what truly matters.

Wild Belonging teaches us how to claim our unique seat within the vast cosmos, the seat just for us, the seat that frees us from what imprisons us, the seat supported and made out of love, the seat from which we can breathe our gifts into the breath of the cosmos.

Wild Belonging helps us own this truth: in order to survive we must love ourselves, we must love all living beings with a fierce and tender compassion, and we must honor the power of the cosmos by welcoming its wisdom and allowing it to influence the life we live.

Wild Belonging brings a sacred integrity to the life we live.



Our sexuality is a portal into the sacred place of Wild Belonging. It has the potential to open us to the truth that our participation in the web of life and the cosmos is vital.

Our sexuality connects us to the energy of eros which IS the energy of life and is born from the cosmic energy. When eros flows through us, we are in a sacred place of Wild Belonging.

Belonging to ourselves, to our beloved, to our ancestors, to the animals, plants, trees, rivers, oceans, and air. To the moon, stars and sun. To the seasons and to the vibrations of life throughout the cosmos.

Our Wild Belonging leads us to the intersection of our sexuality, our compassion, and the divinity of the magical cosmos.

When we claim our Wild Belonging to life, we are empowered. We begin to understand how our sexuality and erotic energy, our compassion (an essential ingredient in creating connection) and the divinity of the cosmos, intersect like a well-choreographed dance, each partner, mutually infusing the other with life’s energy, creating a graceful expression of the power of connection.

When we are tired of living cut off from ourselves and others, when we feel that we have lost our true self and our sexual energy is mostly dead or absent, when we feel the deadness in our bones, when we no longer remember the meaning of our place in this universe, we know we must be Wild. We must Belong. The wild is our freedom, the belonging is our rootedness to something greater than ourselves.

We are pilgrims traveling on the most sacred road leading us to unconditional love, compassion, and the source of life.


Wild Belonging is experienced when:

  • We no longer can live a life cut off from meaning, passion, truth, and freedom.
  • We meet our own sexual desire, passion and erotic truth with curiosity, compassion, and love.
  • We stand heart to heart with our partner in the truest vulnerability, imperfection, and authenticity.
  • We live from a compassionate heart for self and all other living beings.
  • We recognize that our rhythms are the rhythms of the universe.

AND when:

  • We accept that we are divine spirits born of the cosmos
  • When we let eros lead us to an authentic expression of our unique sexual beauty and radiance
  • When we claim freedom from patriarchy, diet culture and body shame
  • We take our seat in the non-dualistic, interconnection of all of life and respect that our actions, interactions, and non-actions influence how life unfolds, how it gains energy or how it suffers.

I offer a Sacred Sexuality Course. Learn more by visiting my Wild Belonging online course page.


The sacredness of Wild Belonging calls to us.

It moves in us and inspires us.

It longs for our presence, our attention.

It protects us from the things that disconnect, abuse, harm, and disrespect.

It beckons to us as we stand by the ocean’s shore; as we allow the moonlight to stream down upon us, as we gently touch our own skin, as we cultivate pleasure, and as we drink in Mother Earth’s essence.

It flows through us when we share a meal with loved ones, and gather around the hearth to celebrate the seasons.

It is present in the moment when we surrender ourselves completely to the joy, the freedom, and the raw truth of our orgasms.

The sacredness of Wild Belonging is available to all human beings. It honors the complexity and inter-connectedness of life.


When we claim our soul-home as one of Wild Belonging we participate in keeping this WISDOM alive:

In order for life to thrive, for the moon to be born anew and attain a potent fullness every month, for the tides to whisper to us the secrets of the ocean’s depth, for the sun to rise and warm our skin, for our hearts to beat, for our love to be expressed through our sexual poetry, we must, must, must RESPECT all living things. We must honor our divinity and that of all life. We must claim our Wild Belonging to our cosmic home.

If we do not come home to this place of  Wild Belonging, we can expect that our sexuality will not be able to express our true essence, will not be able to become more vibrant as the years go on, will not be able to offer us the deepest connection to self, other, and to the life energy flowing all around us.

The sacredness of Wild Belonging understands that life is not about perfection, instead, it embraces and accepts the imperfect complexity that flows through the energy of life.

The Sacredness of Wild Belonging accepts that love and grief are inter-connected; pain brings transformation; light requires darkness and the darkness offers its own healing power.


Are you searching to experience Wild Belonging? To experience and become rooted to a place to claim your divine spirit, to live your truth, to create a life of beauty, love, and vibrant sexual energy?

Are you yearning for a deep connection to the life energy around you in profound and sacred ways?

Do you often feel Empty? Depressed? Disconnected? Isolated? Alone?

Do you feel stuck in a hamster wheel of living a life that does not feel meaningful?

Do you struggle to find joy and freedom in your sexual expression and relationships?

Do you wonder what your life’s purpose is and how to create more meaningful, soul-to-soul connections with others and with life?


If you want to find your way to the place of Wild Belonging, I hope you will join me and other women, as SISTERS, we follow our inner knowing to the clearing, to the water, to the woods, to the fire, to the source of our truest essence and most divine feminine selves.

In my course, Wild Belonging: how to how to honor the intimate connection between sexuality, compassion, and the cosmos,” we will learn how to honor our own rhythms, to celebrate our sexuality and body, to cultivate a well-spring of compassion, to awaken our connection with the powerful, cosmic magic that is waiting to bestow its wisdom on all of us.

We will discover our place of Wild Belonging, our true connection not only to the sacredness of sexuality but how this connects us with compassion to the divine web of life.

Until then LOTS of LOVE.

And as always, peace in the journey

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Jane Ryan

Jane Ryan, LMFT, CST is a Licensed Couples and Family Therapist and an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist. She specializes in helping therapy participants nurture their intimate relationships, recover from purity culture & sexual shame, & embrace their true erotic nature. She supports women in reclaiming their embodied wisdom and living from their radiant, feminine power and essence as they enter the peri-menopausal and post-menopausal years.